
Fifteen Ways To Leave A Pandemic

“The problem is all inside your head she said to me, the answer is easy if you take it logically. I’d like...

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The Sky Hasn’t Fallen, Yet

A little over a year ago, employment lawyers across Canada began cautioning employers about the risks associated with laying off employees due to the COVID pandemic.  Lawyers and businesses were between a rock and a hard place; employers coul...

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It’s Your Mask Preference That’s Pointless

It’s been over a year since a little thing called COVID-19 arrived in Canada, and much has changed in the employment world in that timeframe.  One challenge lawyers have had is that – in our lifetime, at least – a global pan...

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Dust Off Your Harassment Policy

Is it time for spring cleaning, yet? Perhaps not, but it’s definitely time to dust off your harassment policy. “Why’s that?”, you ask. Because the rules of the game are changing when it comes to how you investigate workplac...

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Working Remotely – The Workplace Safety Perspective

As a faint light appears at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel, more employers are asking themselves whether they wish to maintain remote working arrangements, indefinitely.  This is no easy question to answer. ...

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The Sharp End Of A Needle

Here we find ourselves, 9 or so months into the COVID-19 pandemic, and there seems to be a vaccine (or three) on the horizon.  It seems that the citizens of the Great White North will be able to start lining up to ...

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ESA Temporary Layoffs Becoming Less Temporary

As the COVID-19 pandemic marches on (to date, just over 9,000 deaths in Canada and over 172,000 in the United States), the legal system in B.C. continues to adapt.  Earlier on, the maximum length of a “tempor...

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Tackling The Coronavirus At Work – More ESA Changes

For many employers, as the COVID clock has continued to tick, the deadline staring them in the face has been the expiry of the 13-week temporary layoff period (contained in B.C.’s Employment Standards Act).  W...

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Tackling The Coronavirus At Work – What’s Next? (Part 3)

I’ve distributed two bulletins about how the clock has started ticking in relation to laid-off employees and the status of their employment relationships.  My objective was to encourage planning for what emplo...

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